  • Java核心技术:英文版:卷Ⅱ:VolumeⅡ:高级特性:Advancedfeatures

  • 出版社:睿智启图书专营店
  • 出版时间:2015-05
  • 热度:7230
  • 上架时间:2024-06-30 09:07:09
  • 价格:0.0




  • 商品名:Java核心技术:英文版:卷Ⅱ:Volume Ⅱ:高级特性:Advanced features978
  • ISBN:9787115380388
  • 定价:119
  • 出版社:人民邮电出版社
  • 作者:[美]凯·S.霍斯特曼(Cay S.Horstmann),加里·康奈尔(Gary Cornell)


  • 出版时间:2015-05-01
  • 印刷时间:
  • 版次:2
  • 印次:1
  • 包装:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 用纸:胶版纸
  • 页数:1118
  • 字数:


Java□台的专业指南,介绍了Java支持企业级开发和桌面应用开发的强大特性。新版做了全面更新,体现了Java SE 7的变化,并将对Java SE 7新特性的完整描述融入对Java基本概念的精辟阐述中。 


  《Java核心技术 卷II:高级特性(第9版 英文版)》是Java技术专业指南,全面覆盖Java技术的高级主题,包括输入输出流、XML、网络API、数据库编程、高级Swing、Java □D API、JavaBean构件、安全、分布式对象、脚本、编译与注解处理等,同时涉及本地化、国际化以及Java SE 7的内容。《Java核心技术 卷II:高级特性(第9版 英文版)》对Java技术的阐述到位,叙述方式深入浅出,并包含大量程序示例,让读者充分理解Java语言以及Java类库的相关高级特性。《Java核心技术 卷II:高级特性(第9版 英文版)》适合想将Java应用于实际项目的软件开发人员、高等院校教师和学生参考阅读。


Chapter 1: Streams and Files 1
1.1 Streams □
1.1.1 Reading and Writing Bytes □
1.1.□ The Complete Stream Zoo . 4
1.1.3 Combining Stream Filters . 9
1.□ Text Input and Output . 13
1.□.1 How to Write Text Output . 13
1.□.□ How to Read Text Input . 16
1.□.3 Saving Objects in Text Format . 16
1.□.4 Character Sets . □0
1.3 Reading and Writing Binary Data □5
1.3.1 Random-Access Files □8
1.4 ZIP Archives 33
1.5 Object Streams and Serialization 36
1.5.1 Understanding the Object Serialization File Format 4□
1.5.□ Modifying the Default Serialization Mechanism 48
1.5.3 Serializing Singletons and Typesafe Enumerations . 50
1.5.4 Versioning . 5□
1.5.5 Using Serialization for Cloning . 54
1.6 Working with Files 57
1.6.1 Paths 57
1.6.□ Reading and Writing Files 60
1.6.3 Copying, Moving, and Deleting Files . 61
1.6.4 Creating Files and Directories . 6□
1.6.5 Getting File Information . 63
1.6.6 Iterating over the Files in a Directory . 64
1.6.7 ZIP File Systems . 67
1.7 Memory-Mapped Files . 68
1.7.1 The Buffer Data Structure . 77
1.7.□ File Locking 79
1.8 Regular Expressions 81

Chapter □: XML . 93
□.1 Introducing XML . 94
□.1.1 The Structure of an XML Document . 96
□.□ Parsing an XML Document 99
□.3 Validating XML Documents 113
□.3.1 Document Type Definitions . 114
□.3.□ XML Schema . 1□□
□.3.3 A Practical Example 1□5
□.4 Locating Information with XPath . 140
□.5 Using Namespaces 147
□.6 Streaming Parsers 150
□.6.1 Using the SAX Parser 150
□.6.□ Using the StAX Parser . 156
□.7 Generating XML Documents . 159
□.7.1 Documents without Namespaces 159
□.7.□ Documents with Namespaces . 160
□.7.3 Writing Documents . 161
□.7.4 An Example: Generating an SVG File 161
□.7.5 Writing an XML Document with StAX 164
□.8 XSL Transformations 173

Chapter 3: Networking . 185
3.1 Connecting to a Server . 185
3.1.1 Socket Timeouts . 190
3.1.□ Internet Addresses . 19□
3.□ Implementing Servers 194
3.□.1 Serving Multiple Clients . 197
3.□.□ Half-Close . □01
3.3 Interruptible Sockets . □0□
3.4 Getting Web Data □10
3.4.1 URLs and URIs . □10
3.4.□ Using a URLConnection to Retrieve Information . □1□
3.4.3 Posting Form Data . □□□
3.5 Sending E-Mail □30

Chapter 4: Database Programming □35
4.1 The Design of JDBC □36
4.1.1 JDBC Driver Types □36
4.1.□ Typical Uses of JDBC □38
4.□ The Structured Query Language □39
4.3 JDBC Configuration □45
4.3.1 Database URLs . □46
4.3.□ Driver JAR Files . □46
4.3.3 Starting the Database □47
4.3.4 Registering the Driver Class □48
4.3.5 Connecting to the Database . □49
4.4 Executing SQL Statements . □5□
4.4.1 Managing Connections, Statements, and Result Sets . □55
4.4.□ Analyzing SQL Exceptions . □56
4.4.3 Populating a Database □58
4.5 Query Execution □6□
4.5.1 Prepared Statements . □63
4.5.□ Reading and Writing LOBs □69
4.5.3 SQL Escapes . □71
4.5.4 Multiple Results . □7□
4.5.5 Retrieving Autogenerated Keys □73
4.6 Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets . □74
4.6.1 Scrollable Result Sets . □74
4.6.□ Updatable Result Sets . □77
4.7 Row Sets . □81
4.7.1 Constructing Row Sets □8□
4.7.□ Cached Row Sets □8□
4.8 Metadata . □86
4.9 Transactions . □96
4.9.1 Save Points □97
4.9.□ Batch Updates □98
4.9.3 Advanced SQL Types . 300
4.10 Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applications . 30□

Chapter 5: Internationalization 305
5.1 Locales . 306
5.□ Number Formats . 311
5.□.1 Currencies . 318
5.3 Date and Time 319
5.4 Collation . 3□8
5.4.1 Collation Strength 3□9
5.4.□ Decomposition . 3□9
5.5 Message Formatting 336
5.5.1 Choice Formats 338
5.6 Text Files and Character Sets . 340
5.6.1 Character Encoding of Source Files 340
5.7 Resource Bundles 341
5.7.1 Locating Resource Bundles 34□
5.7.□ Property Files . 343
5.7.3 Bundle Classes . 344
5.8 A Complete Example 346

Chapter 6: Advanced Swing363


  Cay S. Horstmann 是Scala for the Impatient的作者,还与人合著了Core JavaServer Faces。他是圣何塞州立大学计算机科学专业的教授,还是一名Java Champion,并经常在很多开发者大会上演讲。  Gary Cornell 在编程方面拥有□0多年的写作和教育经验。他是Apress的创始人之一,编写了很多与开发相关的畅销书,是Jolt大奖的获奖者之一,还荣获过Visual Basic Magazine的读者选择奖。